Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Put Passion in Your Career

Put Passion in Yur CareerPut Passion in Your CareerWhen you tie togetzu sich what you do with what youre passionate about, theres no limit to where you can take your career.When you tie together what you do with what youre passionate about, theres no limit to where you can take your career. You need only look at some of the fruchtwein successful people in the world Think Richard Branson (adventure), Madonna (reinvention), or Martha Stewart (entertaining).Know what gets you jazzedThe first step, of course, is to know the things youre passionate about. Youd be surprised how many people are disconnected from what energizes them. Ive asked many an executive what her passion is and been met with only blank stares.To get a handle on your passions, answer this questionIf you had all the money you needed and could do anything all day, every day, what would it be?Once you know what youre passionate about, you need to ask the other important question Can I inject some of this passion into my w ork? The answer for most of us is yes, but it often takes time and creativity to make the connection. Sometimes it seems that our passions and our vocations are as different as Oprah and Dr. Phil.Passion peps performanceLet me tell you the story of a client named Dave. Dave leads a team of sales directors who sell infrastructure software to IT executives. Daves passion is team sports. He loves sports - all team sports. Dave knows every statistic, every player, every ballpark. He visits every sporting goods store, plays football or baseball every weekend and watches ESPN as if it were the only channel on TV.Dave could not see how to connect sports to IT software sales. He thought he had two optionsKeep his passions and his work separate orQuit and get a job selling tickets for his local ball club.Having grown accustomed to the finer things in life, he decided to keep his day job and focus on sports in his free time.I asked Dave to think about making a connection between what he does and what hes passionate about. Finally, he came to me and said Ive got it. I figured it out. It welches right there in front of me all the time. Since most of his staffs clients are at least mildly interested in sports, he decided he would use sports metaphors in his sales presentations. To involve his whole team, he initiated a contest. The sales person who designed the best new sales presentation with a sports theme would receive a special bonus. This contest reinvigorated his team. The results were spectacular. As a result of his connecting his passion with his work, sales increased, his team was more engaged and he was more fulfilled.In addition, Dave enjoyed the competitive environment he created for his team and was thrilled with the new level of energy and commitment he saw in his sales people.Your passions make you memorableSometimes, no matter how much we search, we cant find a link between our passions and our work. And in that case, we need to make a decision about wheth er or not to make a change. Many executives in the job-search process have confirmed that talking about their passions during their interviews makes them more energized and interesting to hiring managers - even if their passions are not directly related to the work at hand.Even if your colleagues dont share the same passion, they will respect and admire you. One of my clients expresses his passion for the environment with the way he decorates his office. Another expresses her passion for all things humorous with the joke of the week she posts on her door, the true-life funny stories she uses to start all of her meetings and her top 10 list of the worlds funniest people. Yet another who is passionate about health has started an after-work yoga class, designed a health food menu for the company cafeteria and provides daily health tips at the bottom of internal e-mail messages.We are much more fulfilled when we integrate our passions into our work in some way. If youre looking for you r next big gig, think about the positions that incorporate your passions. It will be the key to making it to the top.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

24 psychological tricks that will help you ace a job interview

24 psychological tricks that will help you ace a job bewerbungsbewerberinterview24 psychological tricks that will help you ace a job interviewAlthough at the moment they might seem larger than life, interviewers are people just like you.That means theyre susceptible to the same psychological preferences andcognitive biasesthat affect the rest of us. Simple tweaks to the way you speak and hold yourself can make you seem muchmora likable,competent, and hirable in their eyes.With that in mind, we rounded up a list of easy strategies to forge a connection with your interviewer and boost your chances of landing the job.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreHere are 24 psychological tricks to ace your next job interviewSchedule your interview around 1030 am on a TuesdayAccording to Glassdoor, the best time to arrange an interview is the time thats best for the interviewer - elend the time thats best for you.So if the hiring manager offers you some flexibility in choosing an interview time, ask if you could come in around 1030 am on a Tuesday. Thats likely when your interviewer is relatively relaxed.In general, you should avoid early-morning meetings because your interviewer may still be preoccupied with everything they need to get done that day. Youll also want to avoid being the last meeting of the workday, as your interviewer may already be thinking about what they need to accomplish at home.Dont interview on the same day as the strongest candidatesResearch suggests that interviewers base their evaluations of individual candidates on who else theyve interviewed that day.One study, from researchers at the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard University, found that applicants who interviewed at the end of a day after a series of strong candidates were rated lower than expected. On the other hand, those who interviewed after a series of weak candidates were rated hi gher than expected.Its bedrngnis clear whether this is an unconscious phenomenon, or whether interviewers are consciously rating the last candidates higher or lower than they should because they dont want their supervisors to think theyre giving everyone the same ratings.Either way, if you have any knowledge of who else is interviewing and when choose to come in after comparatively unqualified candidates.Match the color of your outfit to the image you want to projectACareerBuilder surveyof hiring managers and human-resources professionals found that different clothing colors convey distinct impressions.Twenty-three percent of interviewers recommended wearing blue, which suggests that the candidate is a team player, while 15% recommended black, which suggests leadership potential.Meanwhile, 25% said orange is the worst color to wear and suggests that the candidate is unprofessional.Heres what other colors indicateGraylogical/analyticalWhiteorganizedBrowndependableRedpowerTailor your answers to the interviewers ageYou can learn a lot (but not everything) about your interviewer and what they want to hear based on theirgenerational age.In their book Crazy Good bewerbungsgesprching, John B. Molidor, Ph.D., and Barbara Parus write that you should conduct yourself a little differently based on which generation your interviewer belongs to. Heres their breakdownGeneration Y interviewers(between 20 and 30) Bring along visual samples of your work and highlight your ability to multitask.Generation X interviewers(between 30 and 50) Emphasize your creativity and mention how work/life balance contributes to your success.Baby Boomer interviewers(between 50 and 70) Show that you work hard and demonstrate respect for what theyve achieved.Silent Generation interviewers(between 70 and 90) Mention your loyalty and commitment to previous jobs.Hold your palms open or steeple your handsAccording to Molidor and Parus,your hand movementscontribute to the impression you convey in a job interview.Showing your palms generally indicates sincerity, while pressing the fingertips of your hands together to form a church steeple indicates confidence.On the other hand, you dont want to hold your palms downward, which is a sign of dominance. Youll also want to avoid concealing your hands, which looks like you have something to hide tapping your fingers, which shows impatience folding your arms, which indicates disappointment and overusing hand gestures, which can be distracting.Find something in common with your interviewerAccording to the similarity-attraction hypothesis, we tend to like people who share similar attitudes.So if you know your interviewer really values community service and you do, too, try to work that topic into your conversation.Mirror the interviewers body languageThe chameleon effect is a psychological phenomenon that describes how people tend to like each other more when theyre exhibiting similar body language.Body language expert Patti Wood saysthat, ideally, it should look like youre dancing with the other person. Otherwise, it can seem like youre not interested in what theyre saying, youre not a team player, or even that youre lying.So if your interviewer is leaning forward in his chair and putting his hands on the table, feel free to do the same. Chances are he wont notice that youre copying him.Compliment the interviewer and the organization without self-promotingIn one study, led by researchers at the University of Washington and the University of Florida andcited on PsyBlog, researchers found that students who ingratiated themselves with their interviewers, without coming across as self-promotional, were more likely to be recommended for the job. Thats likely because those students seemed like a better fit for the company.Specifically, the students who ingratiated themselves praised the organization and indicated their enthusiasm for working there, and complimented the interviewer. Theydidntplay up the value of positive ev ents they took credit for or take credit for positive events even if they werent solely responsible.Show confidence and deference simultaneouslySuccess in geschftsleben is often a matter of competingandcooperating, say Adam Galinsky and Maurice Schweitzer, the business professors who wrote the book Friend and Foe.In a job interview, that means showing deference to your interviewer, while also demonstrating self-confidence. One way to do that is to say something like, I love your work on whatever area. It reminds me ofmywork on whatever area.Youre confident in that youre taking the initiative to guide the conversation but also deferential in that youre admiring your interviewers work.Be candid about your weaknessesIn answering the question Whats your greatest weakness? your initial impulse might be to craft a strategic response that really emphasizes your strengths. For example, you might say, Im such a perfectionist or I work too hard.Butrecent researchfrom Harvard Business School s uggests that humblebragging, or boasting concealed by a complaint,can be a turnoff in interviews. Its wiser to say something genuine like, Im not always the best at staying organized, which sounds more honest, and could make your interviewer more inclined to recommend you for the position.Interestingly, a2016 studyby a pair of Brown University researchers found that general bragging is more useful in certain contexts than in others. When you boast about how responsible you are, for example, and theres no evidence to suggest that youre not, you seem more competent.If, however, your recommendation from your last manager indicates clearly that youre irresponsible, youll seem less competent for having bragged.Prime yourself to feel powerfulA growing body of research suggests that you can easily make yourself feel and appear more powerful in business situations.In one study, from New York University and Columbia University, participants who wrote about a time when they held power over ot her people were more likely to be cited as influential during a group-work task - and that impression remained even two days later. You can employ the same strategy in a job interview Before you head in, jot down some notes about a time you acted like a leader at work.Speak expressivelyIf you want tosound smart, avoid speaking in monotone.According to Leonard Mlodinow, author of Subliminal How Your Unconscious Mind Rules Your BehaviorIf two speakers utter exactly the same words, but one speaks a little faster and louder and with fewer pauses and greater variation in volume, that speaker will be judged to be more energetic, knowledgeable, and intelligent.Expressive speech, with modulation in pitch and volume, and a minimum of noticeable pauses, boosts credibility and enhances the impression of intelligence.Over at Inc., Geoffrey James suggests that you slow down and speed up depending upon the importance of what youre communicating at the time. If youre summarizing or going over bac kground, speak more quickly than when youre providing new information. When youre introducing an important concept, slow down to give listeners time to absorb it.Make eye contact when you first meet your interviewerDont be bashful - when your interviewer comes to greet you,look them in the eye.In one study, a pair of Northeastern University researchers asked participants to watch videos of strangers talking to each other for the first time and then rate how intelligent each person seemed. Results showed that the people who consistently made eye contact while speaking were considered more intelligent than those who didnt make eye contact.Be friendly and assertive at the same timeOne fascinating study, from the University of Guelph, in Canada, sought to address the reasons why candidates who seem anxious are less likely to land the job.Turns out, at least in mock interviews,itsnotnervous ticslike fidgeting that hurt your chances. Rather, it could be that being anxious makes you seem less warm and assertive, and makes you speak slowly.If youre not naturally extroverted, you need to make sure you sell your skills, study co-author Deborah M. Powelltold Forbes. Dont be afraid to take ownership of your contribution to a project.Powell told Forbes that slow talking hurt candidates chances because interviewers may have assumed that the candidates were having a hard time answering their questions.Showcase your potentialYou might be tempted to tell your interviewer all about your past accomplishments - but research suggests you should focus more on what youcoulddo in the future, if the organization hires you.In one study, from Stanford University and Harvard Business School, participants received information about a hypothetical job applicant. Some participants learned that the applicant had two years of experience and had received a high score on a test of leadership achievement others learned that the candidate had no experience and had received a high score on a tes t of leadership potential.Results showed that participants thought the candidate would be more successful when they learned he had great potential.According to social psychologist Heidi Halvorson, our brains pay more attention to uncertain information because they want to unlock it. That means we end up spending more time analyzing that information and, if the information is positive, were left with a more favorable view of a persons competence.Prepare for uncomfortable questionsThe Harvard Business Reviewspoke with John Lees,author of The Interview Expert How to Get the Job You Want and he recommended that candidates prepare just as well for questions theyd rathernotanswer.Heres a snippet from the HBR articleLets say you were laid off. You can say something like Like hundreds of other people, I lost my role when the company downsized. But that gave me a chance to look at the skills Ive developed and identified new areas of growth. Shift your answer from the past to the present and keep the conversation in a comfortable place.Dont smile too muchTheres no need to scowl at your interviewer - but youll also want to avoid keeping a giant grin plastered across your face. Research suggests that, for certain professions, smilingtoomuch can undermine your success in a job interview.In one study, from the Department of Veterans Affairs, Northeastern University, and the University of Lausanne, researchers asked college students to role-play job interviews. They found that students who played candidates for the position of newspaper reporter, manager, and research assistant were less likely to get the hypothetical job when they smiled - especially during the middle of the interviews.Another part of the study found that people expect job candidates to smile more when theyre applying for a position like consumer representative or salesperson.Be enthusiasticAs Jonathan Golding and Anne Lipert point outon Psychology Today, a number of studies have found that candidates who project energy and excitement are generally more likely to get the job.They write In particular, candidates with higher affect, energy level, and pitch and amplitude variability are significantly more likely to be invited back for a second interview than applicants who demonstrate lower effect, energy level, and pitch and amplitude variability.Dont discount the pre-interview small talkRecent research suggeststhat seemingly idle chitchat before the interview really gets started - what psychologists call rapport building - can make a big impact on the interviewers impression of you.In the study, led by researchers at Georgia Institute of Technology, Texas AM University, and Texas Christian University, candidates who did a good job making small talk in mock interviews received higher ratings on the job-related questions than candidates who were less adept at chit-chatting, meaning the interviewers first impressions had colored their overall impressions.Go off-scriptThats a suggestio n from professors at the Ohio State University and the Kellogg School of Management. Writing inThe Harvard Business Review, they say that the interviewer and the interviewee are often following preprogrammed scripts, with both focusing on the candidates resume.Thats why they advise candidates to pause after the interviewer asks a question, instead of launching into a rote response. They recommend that the candidate listen for and reuse a few keywords from the interviewers question in your own answer to signal that youre building on the interviewers statement.The professors continueOne of our managers shared another technique he used to disrupt the script by stating, Let me tell you whats not on my resume. That got the interviewers attention since the interviewer stopped mindlessly looking at the resume.Ask the interviewer why they brought you inWhy did you invite me to interview today? might seem like a pretty weird question. Butaccording to psychologist Robert Cialdini, it works. S pecifically, it draws the interviewers attention to your strengths and to the reasons they like you.You will have focused those evaluators on the positive features, the strongest elements of your case, Cialdini told Business Insider. With that in mind, they will now be in a mindset to see you in a positive light.Start the interview by showcasing your likabilityIf you want to leave a lasting impression, start the interview strong, says psychologist Daniel Kahneman, author of Thinking, Fast and Slow.Humans have a tendency to assess other peoples traits based on early emotional impressions, writesBusiness Insider contributor Jonathan Wai. For instance, Kahneman asks What do you think of Alan and Ben?Alan is intelligent, industrious, impulsive, critical, stubborn, and envious.Ben is envious, stubborn, critical, impulsive, industrious, and intelligent.Both of them have the same traits but in a different order. Yet still most people view Alan more favorably because his positive traits cam e before the negative ones.In fact, even though both of them are intelligent, most people view Bens intelligence as dangerous due to his enviousness showcased early.Next time youre in an interview, Kahneman says to focus on your likeability first, and then get to your more serious qualifications.Talk about effort rather than successMany job interview candidates may feel the need to boast every career win they can think of. Yet a 2018 report in the journalBasic and Applied Psychologysuggests interviewers respond better to stories of effort and hard work.When I asked you how you have accomplished so much in your career, you can say, Im talented, or you can say, I struggled and worked really hard. The latter is a sign of effort, which is liked by others, Janina Steinmetz, author of the study, toldQuartz. Effort conveys warmth, likability, and is relatable. Talent conveys competence and ability.Say thank youWhilethank you notesmay not be necessary to land a job, they certainly help.Rese arch shows many interviewers could underestimate the importance of saying thank you. A2018 studypublished in SAGE Journals asked participants to write thank you letters, and predict how surprised, happy, and awkward the recipient would feel after getting them.The study found many people who send thank you notes overestimate how awkward recipients feel, and underestimated how happy they would be.Underestimating the value of prosocial actions, such as expressing gratitude, may keep people from engaging in behavior that would maximize their own- and others- well-being, Amit Kumar and Nicholas Epley, the authors of the report,wrote.This article first appeared in Business Insider.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Saturday, December 21, 2019

In a Google World, Prepare to Be Investigated

In a Google World, Prepare to Be InvestigatedIn a Google World, Prepare to Be InvestigatedIs your online brand ready to be investigated?Excerpted from Youre Better Than Your Job Search By Marc Cenedella and Matthew RothenbergHow likely is it that your resume, job application and credentials will be reviewed for inaccuracies? Nearly 100 percent, according to the Society for Human Resource Management. Alfruchtwein all human resources professionals reported to SHRM that their organizations conduct some form of background check on every employee. For some candidates, it doesnt take much more than a Google search to pull up information, both good and bad.Besides seeing things like what you have published, an online search can also reveal unflattering or downright negative things someone may have said about you. Beyond that, most recruiters check references at every company you list to verify your duties, tenure, salary, and in some cases even your W2. Their findings include the most damn ing documentation, including police reports, articles about misconduct and more. All that information is shared with the recruiters client the hiring manager.If you have been interviewed and a falsification is uncovered, chances are thats the end of the road for that job and possibly future opportunities as well. It will be disheartening to you in your job search and cost you potentially useful contacts, so think long and hard if you feel tempted to lie.Now available in e-book form for $3.99 from online retailers, including Amazon, Books-a-million, Barnes Noble and Borders.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

15 companies hiring for the highest paying jobs in April 2018

15 companies hiring for the highest paying jobs in April 201815 companies hiring for the highest paying jobs in April 2018The hiring outlook continues to be strong as we move further into spring. According to the CNBC All-America Economic Survey 61% of the public is either very or pretty confident they could leave their job and find a new one within a short time frame. To help you find what you are looking for, Ladders has compiled this list of companies hiring for the highest paying jobs as of April 2018.Ladders put together this data using its continuously updated database of high-paying jobs. Check them out - and click through to seejob openingsthat might be right for you.1. AmazonJobs available 2,150Once upon a time, they sold books and now they sell everything. Amazon just took the top spot on LinkedIns annual most popular places to work survey.View allAmazon jobs.2.Booz Allen HamiltonJobs available 1,967This management consulting firm is located in lovely Tysons Corner, Virgin ia, in Greater Washington, D.C., but also hasconsulting jobsthroughout the rest of the country and in strategic locations all over the world.View allBooz Allen Hamilton jobs.3. HR BlockJobs available 1,708This financial services lieferant has locations all over the world including in Brazil and India. It offers other financial and business services as well.View allHR Block jobs.4. CSRA Inc.(function(d, s, id) var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)0 if (d.getElementById(id)) return js = d.createElement(s) js.id = id js.src = https//connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.jsxfbml=1version=v3.1 fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs)(document, script, facebook-jssdk))The United States Navys presence in the Mediterranean Sea dates to the Barbary War of 1801, and continued nearlyPosted by CSRA Inc. onWednesday, February 21, 2018Jobs available 1,336CSRA Inc. is a technology provider for the U.S. government with clients in national security, civil government, and health care and public health.V iew all CSRA Inc., jobs.5. InfosysJobs available 1,287One of the leadersin technology services and consulting, this company has clients in over 50 countries.View all Infosys jobs.6. AppleJobs available 1,251The iconic tech company founded by Steve Jobs has headquarters in Cupertino, CA, but has offices and jobs available all over the world. Apple also made it into the top 10 on LinkedIns annual best places to work survey as it has some incredible employee perks.View allApple jobs.7. facebook incJobs available 1,208The social media platform is having a rough week but it is still considereda top place to work in the U.S.,according to Glassdoor.View allFacebook jobs.8. Kaiser PermanenteJobs available 1,164One of the nations largest providers of medical andhealthcare jobs,it is headquartered in Oakland, CA. They currently have positions open for a marketing director and senior copywriter.View allKaiser Permanente jobs.9. Lockheed MartinJobs available 1,149The aerospace, defense, securit y, and advanced technologies company hasengineering jobsand locations all over the world including in Japan and Turkey.View allLockheed Martin jobs.10. GoogleJobs available 1,118According to a recentarticle, Google receives more than two million job applications each year, but you could be one of the lucky people to get a job there.View allGoogle jobs.11.WiproTechnologies(function(d, s, id) var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)0 if (d.getElementById(id)) return js = d.createElement(s) js.id = id js.src = https//connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.jsxfbml=1version=v3.1 fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs)(document, script, facebook-jssdk))I had to focus on developing my skill set, I had to earn triple my peers in certification, I worked three jobs to getPosted by Wipro Limited onWednesday, March 28, 2018Jobs available 1,042ThisIndia-based software and technology services provider targets a global customer base.View allWiproTechnologies jobs.12. RaytheonJobs available 935This major U.S. defense contractor has engineering and analyst jobs available.View all Raytheon jobs.13. Tata Consultancy Services(function(d, s, id) var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)0 if (d.getElementById(id)) return js = d.createElement(s) js.id = id js.src = https//connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.jsxfbml=1version=v3.1 fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs)(document, script, facebook-jssdk))Posted by Tata Consultancy Services onSunday, March 25, 2018Jobs available 877This IT service, consulting and business solutions company is headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra.View all Tata Consultancy Services jobs.14. OracleJobs available 847This tech company that specializes in developing and marketing database software and technology, cloud engineered systems, and enterprise software products has 137,000 employees, but is looking for more with openings in data science andsales jobs.View allOracle jobs.15. BAE SystemsJobs available 847Based in London, this multinational defense, security, an d aerospace company has positions open in New Jersey, New Hampshire, New Mexico and Virginia.View all BAE Systems jobs.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

This short farm boy story will motivate the heck out of you

This short farm boy story will motivate the heck out of youThis short farm boy story will motivate the heck out of youOnly those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. - T. S. Eliot- - - Ezra Taft Benson welches a religious leader who simultaneously served as the 15th United States Secretary of Agriculture during both presidential terms of Dwight D. Eisenhower.Benson grew up on a farm in Whitney, Idaho. One day in 1915 at the age of 16, he welches hired by a neighboring farmer to thin a field of sugar beets. When he got to his field of labor, he squinted as he scanned the field. It was just dawn and still too dark to landsee the whole horizon.But thats what farmers did.They woke up before sunrise and got to work.They didnt complain about the pain of waking up. They just did it. Because the law of the harvest is always in effect. And the fields need to be tended to.Most people couldnt be farmers in todays society. Weve grown far too soft. We dont know what it really takes to do a full-days work.As Ezra scanned the fields that lay before him, and with his short-handled hoe in hand, a peculiar thought popped into his head.This thought somewhat surprised him actually. But it fixed itself deep into his mind and shifted his attitude and behavior dramatically.If I work as hard as I can, I wonder how much I can do in a day?That was the thought.He became insanely curious about that one thing - how much could I possibly do?A variation of this thought could be - how far could I possibly go?With that curious intention in his mind and heart, he began working. The sun was just starting to peer over the Idaho mountain peaks. The air was crisp, but soon to become blazing hot.Mid-way through the day and with sweat dripping down his face, he kept thinning the beet field.He only stopped to drink and eat for brief moments, and continued to work continuously until the sun set beyond the mountains on the opposite horizon.He was so busy working tha t he hadnt actually realized how much it did. Only after he stopped did he look back and realize, with a bit of alarm, that he had thinned a full acre of beets in a single day This was an unheard of amount of work for a single person - let alone a 16 year old kid.When the farmer who hired Ezra saw the boys work, he was shocked.How did you do this? the man questioned.Ezras eyes were piercing, despite the fact that he looked physically exhausted. There was a confidence and stature that wasnt there earlier that morning.I just wanted to see how far I could go, Ezra responded.The farmer dropped two silver dollars and two five-dollar gold coins into Ezras hand. Ezra could hardly believe it. That was the most money he had ever held in his hand. This was a small fortune. His mind began to spin. He soul began to float heavenward with confidence and excitement.As he walked the few miles back to his farm, his mind danced. His heartbeat was quick. He felt like the richest man in the world. And he was - because he now had a confidence and level of self-trust that you cant actually buy with money.He had just watched himself push his own boundaries. His worldview of himself was ripped wide open and he stepped out of the limiting confines of his previous self-definition.His curiosity led him to greater confidence and greater rewards than his imagination initially conjured.Most people are curious about how little they can doMost people are curious about the exact opposite of what Ezra was curious about.Most people are interested in how little they can do.Joe Polish, the founder of Genius Network, has a great saying. He says that, Winners find ways to be winners and losers find ways to be losers.It actually takes a lot of ingenuity and creativity to be unsuccessful.Polish describes his time as a drug-addict, and about how much effort and thought it took to keep up his life. He was incredibly resourceful to get his drugs and to hide his stories and deceptions from family, frie nds, and others.It takes a lot of work and curiosity to be a failure.It takes a lot of energy to continually convince yourself that youre leid worth a damn.It takes a lot of hard work and energy to pretend youre working at work when in reality, youre doing anything but work.What if you flipped the script on yourself?What if, rather that seeing how small you could be, you saw how great you could be?This has nothing to do with ego.This has nothing to do with arrogance and pride.Rather, this has everything to do with curiosity and truth.- - - Who are you to play small?Who are you to not be insatiably curious about what is possible?Who are you to not be an incredible example to those around you?Who are you to not live every single day - especially today - to see how far you can go?Who are you to not push the boundaries of not only your own life, but of the entire human race?Why arent you showing us whats freaking possible?Why arent you shocking and surprising everyone with how much youre accomplishing and how beautiful youre living?Where is your creativity and curiosity?Where is your imagination?What if you let your imagination for what could be drive you to see how far you could go?What if you got so absorbed in the possibilities that you stopped keeping track of time?What if you stopped paying attention to all of the noise and distractions around you, because your life was so full of beautiful people and meaningful work?What if you were continuously humbled by the size of your dreams and ambitions?- - - Who are you to be brilliant?Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?Actually, who are you not to be?You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people wont feel insecure around you.We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. Its not just in some of us its in everyone.And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.- Marianne WilliamsonWho are you to be brilliant?Who are you to think bigger for yourself?Who are you to get wildly curious about the possibilities?Like Ezra, my question for you is this How far will you go?How much could you possibly do?In 3 months from now when 2019 comes rolling by, and when everyone is setting the New Years Resolutions - which will quickly evaporate as they adapt back into their addictions and environment - where will you be?When 2020 comes rolling around, where will you be?How steep is your growth curve?How far is your trajectory?Is it light-years beyond anything youve ever seen anyone do?This is your time.How far will you go?How much could you do?Thats the question you should be asking yourself.Ready toUpgrade?Ive created a cheat sheet for putting yourself into a PEAK-STATE, immediately. You follow this daily, your life will change very quickly.Get the cheat sheet hereThis article first appeared on Medium.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Unusual Puzzle Into Technical Resume Templates Revealed

The Unusual Puzzle Into Technical Resume Templates Revealed The Basic Facts of Technical Resume Templates Personal achievement needs to be highlighted in detail. Extra emphasis was placed on each individual bullet by bolding a number of the info. If work experience isnt your key highlight or whether youve got an inconsistent work history, its best advisable to start your resume with your qualifications. Regardless of the quantity of work experience you have as an engineer, it is essential that you think of an eye-grabbing resume. The Ultimate Technical Resume Templates Trick While it is crucial to fix the technical issue, its also appropriate to acknowledge the risks that create the emotional reaction. From your research you ought to have uncovered several areas you might feel uncertain about or a couple of matters you would like clarification on. Triage when you have an opportunity to concentrate on technical and administrative problems, triage the main cause of the proble ms to establish what went wrong. In the event of a doubt do not hesitate seeking skilled assistance. Technical Resume Templates No Longer a Mystery Dont be concerned too much about how youre likely to get other people to use your goods. Nothing, if youd like your engineering resume to look like all of the rest. A two-page resume could be appropriate when you have lots of work experience. Along with social media, the remainder of your contact information needs to be modernized too. The further skills can be in accord with the job or completely different. Whats more, tailoring your resume will allow you to list job-specific essential words and techniques, further adding to your appeal for a candidate. You (the candidate) has to inform me what youre seeking to do. If you stick out from the rest of the candidates, if its possible to appear friendly and interesting, if youre on time and dressed appropriately and in the event you can demonstrate precisely how much of a positive impact your abilities and experience will bring to the company, youll get hired. Reiterate Make sure you are addressing the technical, administrative and emotional facets of the customer concerns. Reassure the customer which you will employ your understanding and experience to coordinate the very best possible resolution, even in the event you should get the aid of different parties to achieve it. Resolving a technical issue might be only partially effective should it not also deal with the customer emotional concerns. At times the technical problem may require considerably more attention because it could impact different clients. Get the Scoop on Technical Resume Templates Before Youre Too Late Using samples and templates of engineering resumes permit you to gather all your qualifications in a skilled and organized way. Your engineering Resume Templates is a powerful advertising tool, so make the the majority of it. Design modifications are also important because there m ay be tragic consequences in case of a trial-and-error operation. Templates will supply you the raw format of resume. The Technical Resume Templates Cover Up Precision is thought to be a considerable trait with respect to managing engineering projects, and the exact same is true for engineering resumes. Aerospace engineers should have a bachelors degree in aerospace engineering or a different area of engineering or science associated with aerospace systems. Mechanical Engineers are predicted to spot and supply real solutions to equipment problems within an organization or facility. In spite of no work experience, you still have to find out how to compose a resume that includes your educational qualifications, other helpful skills that you can have, student posts that you might have held, summer jobs which you could be been in etc.. Find out more about the position youre applying for. Instead you might want to incorporate an expert summary that states what you need to offer you the employer for a candidate, instead of what youre searching for. An internship may also be awfully hard to get. Heres What I Know About Technical Resume Templates Modern-day employers will likely be reading your resume online rather than on paper, for instance, and might want details which you wouldnt see on a traditional resume. Research the business and the position, even when youve completed the identical type of work for decades. Summary of someones qualification is also recommended to put your very best foot forward right at the start of the resume. Winter Break After your very first semester of college, youll certainly need some opportunity to unwind and take it simple. If you believe you dont will need to create a resume template then you might want to read further to figure out why precisely you need to learn to compose a resume. Each template delivers step-by-step guidance which will enable you to create an effective resume. Template for resume is a normal l ayout which can be used for any work position. Go by means of this sample and know the value of resume templates. Learning the distinction between a resume and studienordnung vitae is a good deal more crucial before you opt for a template. If you are in possession of an excellent GPA, you have the choice to include them. A proper resume format may differ based on the position youre applying for, that is exactly why you should get expert help about which format is most effective for you and we can help you do exactly that. There are lots of free student resume templates readily available online on several sites including a number of the job portals.

Monday, December 2, 2019

How flexible work practices lightened impact of financial downturn

How flexible work practices lightened impact of financial downturn How flexible work practices lightened impact of financial downturnPosted October 13, 2011, by Louisa VeidelisAustralian employment policy initiatives have helped to minimise job losses during the global financial crisis, as outlined in a report on global labour markets by the International Labour Organisation (ILO).How Australia avoided the recessionAustralia may be the only country in the developed world to have escaped recession. This resulted from a combination of strong fiscal stimuli and the recovery in commodity exports.Australias stimulus package focused on five key areas social assistance for targeted groups, supporting consumption through support for homebuyers, infrastructure spending, skills, training and job-search assistance, and the ritterlich Work Act of 2009.It has been estimated that without the implementation of these measures, growth would have contracted by 1.3 per cent between 2008 and 2009. Inste ad, the fiscal stimuli helped to support household spending and public consumption, which in turn helped to stimulate growth.Flexible arrangements save jobsAustralias relative economic resilience was not due entirely to fiscal stimuli, however. According to the ILOs World of Work Report 2009, Australias combination of a swift economic response, targeted labour market programs and adaptable employment practices by industry helped to support employment and minimise job losses. During the financial downturn many Australian businesses adopted changes in working arrangements, such as reduced hours and job sharing, to ensure that job losses were kept to a minimum. Jason Clare, Parliamentary Secretary for Employment, commented on the key role that businesses played in minimising the damage. Business also deserves a lot of credit for their actions during the downturn. Many have gone to great lengths to keep their staff on, moving staff to flexible working arrangements like part-time wor k, he said in a speech in October. A good example of this is Broens Industries. Broens is a high-tech engineering company based in Ingleburn in Western Sydney. They have revenue of about $25 million and employ about 200 staff. I caught up with the Managing Director of Broens, Carlos Broen, a couple of months ago. He told me that in response to the global recession he was faced with the choice of reducing staff, or reducing their hours of work. He chose the latter, and has been able to keep his entire workforce on working four days a week, said Clare.The future of Australias workforceHowever, while Australia has emerged from the GFC relatively unscathed in comparison to most other countries, the ILO report warns that premature withdrawal of public stimulus initiatives could lead to a slowdown in growth and loss of 100 000 jobs. Businesses cannot afford to revert too readily to their old ways. Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Chief Executive Peter Anderson says The ILO report is a timely reminder of the critical role Australian business has played, in conjunction with policies of past and present Australian governments, in building a strong labour market and contributing to the wellbeing of our society through employment, even in the midst of a global recession. Although Australias unemployment rate stacks up well compared to other industrialised nations, the report suggests there is no room for complacency given our economic strength is underpinned by factors not fully within our control, such as strong external demand for commodities and increased domestic consumption that was aided by largely expended public stimulus, says Anderson. Certainly organisations which have demonstrated flexibility and innovation during the downturn will reap the rewards, with their teams largely intact. But now more than ever, it is vital for businesses to continue to develop effective workforce strategies to ensure a thriving workforce. ResourcesMy first resumeC over letter for my first jobCareer Insider StoriesShelley Lask - Body Positive Health & FitnessInterested in becoming a?Human Resources OfficerGeneral ManagerBusiness ManagerAccountantOffice Administrator CoursesBachelor of Social WorkEnquire erreichbar Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Health AdministrationEnquire Online Enquire OnlineBachelor of Criminal JusticeEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Allied Health AssistanceEnquire Online Enquire OnlineLouisa VeidelisRelated ArticlesBrowse moreWORKFORCE TRENDSGrass looks greener to one third of Australian workersOne third of Australian workers are planning to change jobs, according to a recent Hay Group survey.Career progressionPay/SalaryHow to make a million dollarsEver wondered whether your university degree or postgraduate study was worth the money? Marni looks at whether further study offers a good return on investment.Real EstateHammer time Considering a career in real estateIf you have a winning way with people and ar e a skilled negotiator, the real estate industry could be your ticket to a dynamic and lucrative career.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

How to Get Noticed by Top Accounting Recruiters

How to Get Noticed by Top Accounting RecruitersHow to Get Noticed by Top Accounting RecruitersGood accounting recruiters can jump-start a job search thats stalled at any stage. But how do you go about attracting the best recruiter possible? Well, it doesnt happen overnight. Heres a step-by-step guide to the prep work thats needed.1. Start your job searchTo get noticed by top accounting recruiters, you need to talk the talk - or to be more precise, you need to use keywords, which are the search terms people type into a social media network, search engine or applicant tracking system to find what theyre looking for. Start with an online search for your job title and similar positions in your geographic area. Make a note of the words repeated across job postings. behauptung can be related to your skills and experience, software and hardware youre familiar with, or licenses and certifications you have. Dont exaggerate, but dont be modest, either. Once youve identified your keywords, go to Step 2.2. Reformat your resumeDevelop a good sense of current resume trends. For example, accounting professionals tend to create resumes with some sections neatly compiled into tables. But many of the latest applicant-tracking systems cant read table content. So to help your resume appear higher in searches and get noticed by accounting recruiters, follow this patternSummary Explain your skills and experience using the most common keywords you found in your online job search. Distinguish yourself with detail and strong verbs, not clichs and buzzwords.Strengths List your strengths using those same top keywords, plus your other skills and experience - but not in a table. Include the accounting software experience youre familiar with, like Peachtree or ADP, plus general terms such as reconciliation.Highlights List four to six impressive points in a bulleted format. For example, mention large employers, big-name clients you support, or specific, quantified achievements like Reduced monthly invoice processing time 20 percent by refining vendor invoice batching and coding processes for AP.Experience and education Though it seems counterintuitive, behauptung are less important than the opening elements. However, they still need to be loaded with keywords.3. Create a stand-out job board presenceCopy and paste each element of your keyword-loaded resume into the appropriate sections of your job boards and social media profile. Put your summary, strengths and highlights in the online Summary section, editing the text if necessary to meet character limits. Then add appropriate keywords into any Skills section. This point is critical to getting noticed in searches. Finally, include your interests. You never know which recruiter might also love running or Sudoku. Some sources suggest making your LinkedIn profile somewhat different from your resume. But in a conservative field like accounting, its best to play it safe.4. Practice the meet-and-greetAsk a friend or mentor to listen to your elevator pitch while you get comfortable explaining your accomplishments. Or use your mirror. It provides the most objective feedback on body language, expression and eye contact. These qualities show a recruiter youre interested and enjoying the exchange (or not). Avoid crossing your arms or legs, which gives the impression youre pulling back or closing down, and try to maintain eye contact. If it doesnt feel natural, practice helps make it that way.5. Now, meet your recruiterYour new resume and online presence may already attract accounting recruiters, but dont stop there. Submit your resume to recruiting firms, and attend accounting job fairs and industry conferences. Brush up on how to make a good first impression at industry events. Then make aya you know how to work with them once youve met them.In todays competitive, multimedia world, its not easy to get noticed by top recruiters. So dont leave it to chance. Use these tips to polish your pitch and presence, then win over your new career ally.Interested in a temporary job in accounting and finance?WORK WITH OUR STAFFING FIRM

Friday, November 22, 2019

Life Choices

Life ChoicesYour Values and Priorities Helps You Make Brave Work/Life ChoicesWorking moms (and dads) have to make some toughdecisions. They are hard because sometimes its a choice that has to be made between something in their personal life (like their children) and something in their professional life (their career). Like deciding between taking care of a sick kid whose crying for mommy and a work project that youve been working so hard on. So how can you make the right choice when you feel like there isnt one? What a Brave Work/Life Choice Is AllAbout To be brave meansto have courageous endurance. So once you make this brave work/life choice you are able to courageously endure what happens because of it. Making a brave work/life choice is about feeling OK with the choices you make as well as managing your emotions and energy during and after the decision has been made. How you begin to make these types of choices is by understanding your values and priorities. Define Your V alues Before You Have to Make a Brave Work/Life Choice What do you value in your life? What is extremely important to you that youd have a hard time living without? What are your strong personality strengths? What are your strengths? Answers to these questions will help you create a list of values. For example, you could value family, hard work, accomplishments, competency, and authenticity. When you know what you value in life, before you have to make a really tough decision, it helps withyour decision process. You will be less indecisive because theres no questioning what you value (this is a great way to avoid wasting time and personal energy) If the decision is asking you to go against your values, its easier to put your foot down and say no. How Your Body Reacts When You Decide to Go Against Your Values If you make a choice that goes against one of your values sometimes your body reacts. Your stomach may get upset or you get a headache. Sometimes youll just feel off. Can y ou think of a decision you made that made you ill? What value(s) do you think you went against? Now think of a time when you made a choice that went along with your values. You probably felt a huge sense of relief because you knew deep down inside you made the right choice. Your chest, or maybe your entire body felt warm. You may have felt a big boost of energy, too, like having a spring in your step. The smile on your face wouldnt go away,either Note that not all of these positive or negative body reactions will occur. Especially after making a brave work/life choice. Your body will react but it may be slight. Write Down Your Values For FutureReference To help you make brave work/life choices havea list of your values. Then prioritize them according to ?adegree of importance. Next, make a list of feelings that are important to you, and then prioritize them. Last, combine both of these lists and prioritize them again. You may find that you have personal values and professional v alues. Id recommend making two lists to separate the two. If you have to make a decision strictly work-related you have a values list specifically for that. Making a touch choice wont feel as tough when you start the decision-making process by reviewing what your values are. Based the decision on what is important to you, not others. After youre sure your values are satisfied, then you can move on with the priorities you are trying to satisfy, but well save this for another post.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How to Answer Job Interview Questions About Your Resume

How to Answer Job Interview Questions About Your ResumeHow to Answer Job Interview Questions About Your ResumeInterviewers frequently starta jobinterview by asking you to provide an overview of your employment experience.This will often take the form of a requestsuch as Can you walk me through your resume? Typically, candidates will recount theirwork experiences in orderfrom the past to present, and focus their presentation on theirjob titlesand the names of their employers. However, interviewees taking this approach dont tell employers much that they dont already know - and miss out on a critical opportunity to frame their case positively. Rather than summarizing the facts of your resume, consider this question an opportunity to highlight the aspects of your resume that show that youre a great match for the role.Use the time to tell the interviewer about your achievements and what you accomplished at each position youve held. Be Selective About What You Share Take advantage of t his opportunity to create a favorable impression early on in the interview by leading the interviewer through your resume in a mora selective manner. Start by highlighting the most compelling elements of your experience first. You dont need to share everything you have done at each job, describe every class you took, or go through every bullet point on your resume. Remember, the interviewer is likely holding a copy of your resume during the interview and will have a broad sense of the facts around each job, such as your job title, the company name, and the basics of your role. Aim to speak for a few minutes when you have to answer this question, but dont talk for so long that your answer becomes tedious. Avoid rambling or delving into minutia and try to tell a coherent story in your response. The best way to accomplish this is to take some time to get ready ahead of time. Prepare by analyzing the most critical requirements for the job for which youre interviewing. Then select the as pects of your work, academic, and volunteer history which best demonstrate that you have thequalifications and experience to excel in that position. Remember, this is the time to show off what youve done. Focus on Your Accomplishments and Skills Rather than a bland rendition of your position titles and responsibilities, cite key accomplishments andreference the skillsthat enabled you to achieve those successes. Be sure to mention how you impacted thebottom linein those roles, and how you added value to your employer. Did you help the company save money or work on a team that finished a major project? Be ready to explain these achievements in a succinct but interesting manner. Try to present your points in the form of stories that portray problems you solved and challenges you met. This part of the job interview is also a great opportunity to explain job movement as it relates to your career. For instance, you might say, Working at ABC Company taught me a great deal about product marketing, but I ultimately made the move to XYZ Company because it offered me the opportunity to manage a team. Working in this kind of leadership and team-building environment is a real priority for me. You Dont Have to Cover Everything on Your Resume Feel free to leave out jobs that are leid relevant or impressive, and its fine to deviate from a chronological presentation. At the end of your presentation, the interviewer should have a clear understanding of five to seven assets in your background that will enable you to perform at a high-level in the job for which youre interviewing. Be Sure to Get Your Facts Straight Its important to be accurate when youre recounting yourwork history. Forgetting about when and where you worked at any given time may not seem like something that might happen. But when youre stressed about interviewing, it can be easy to forget the exact details of youremployment history. Review your resume before you go in for your interview. Its also a g ood idea to bring a copy of your resume with you to the interview. If youre not sure about what your interviewer needs to know, review this guide onsharing your work historyduring job interviews.